SoHo Says…Live your dreams!

Several years ago when momma and I were driving to my eye doctor appointment in Allentown, Pennsylvania, she and I noticed a billboard on the Pennsylvania Turnpike that really caught our eye. It had an uplifting message featuring Kermit the Frog and overall promoted positive values. My None (that’s Italian for grandmother in case you didn’t know) did research and found that the billboard was sponsored by “The Foundation for a Better Life” which is a nonprofit organization founded in 2000 with the objective of promoting positive values and encouraging viewers to pass the message along. They do this through messages in billboards, radio, television and their web site.

Wanting to pass along an inspirational message, in February 2010, my momma created a billboard using me as the inspiration and posted it on the website. In 3 short years, my billboard received nearly 29,000 likes from viewers. WOW! That’s a lot of viewers! Who would think that a dog sitting in an “orphanage” in Bayonne NJ would receive nearly 29,000 likes to his inspirational billboard? If you have a dream, go for it and live it! I am living my dream every day!

One Response to SoHo Says…Live your dreams!

  1. Cor-Cap says:

    SoHo, you definitely “Brighten the corner where you are” …

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