SoHo Says…give thanks for the many fortunes you have!

November 2, 2010

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and it is the time of year that we are reminded of all that we have to be thankful for. Everyday – I am thankful for my momma, daddy, little sister Coco, BFF Niko, as well as all of the family and friends that I cherish so dearly. Unfortunately not everyone is so lucky. If I can ask you to do one thing this holiday season, it is to be thankful for your health and happiness – think of the abundance of wonderful people in your life – think of the true meaning of the holiday season – it is a time for compassion and goodwill toward others. Also consider doing something charitable along the way…..maybe bring soup to an elderly family friend or relative….or instead of asking for an elaborate holiday gift from family members, consider having a charitable donation made in your honor. Last year, my momma had a small holiday get-together with her girlfriends and all guests were asked to bring an item from the local animal shelter’s “Wish List” rather than bringing wine, food or a hostess gift.
So the next time you begin to get the holiday “blaws”, consider all of the many fortunes you have and celebrate the season of LOVE!